Update on the Roblox ban in Türkiye

On Aug 7, we learned that Roblox was blocked in Türkiye, and we are currently working with local authorities with the goal of resolving it. We are mindful that millions of people use our platform in Türkiye every day, including a vibrant community of developers whose businesses are built on Roblox. We’re committed to doing everything we can to keep our community safe, and we share global policymakers’ commitment to protecting children.

We’ve spent almost 20 years making Roblox one of the safest online platforms for our users, particularly the youngest, and ensuring the safety of our users is at the core of everything we do. Every day, tens of millions of people of all ages have a safe and positive experience on Roblox, abiding by our Community Standards - policies that cover everything from profanity to advertising. We spend hundreds of millions of dollars each year to keep our platform safe. And every team at Roblox helps ensure products are designed with safety in mind.

We work tirelessly to be vigilant against attempts to circumvent our safety systems. We continuously innovate to develop the next generation of safety tools and features as we seek to continue leading the future of safety and civility online. Increasing safety and civility online is an industry-wide issue, which is why we work with other platforms, NGOs, academic/industry consortiums, and legislators to help find solutions to address bad actors. We regularly meet with policymakers to engage in important dialogues about issues impacting young people, and look forward to this discussion in Türkiye with the important goal of getting Roblox users online again as soon as possible.

You can read more about our ironclad commitment to safety in a recent blog by our Chief Safety Officer titled Driving Civility and Safety for All Users.