Introducing the Roblox Community Fund

Launching the Roblox Community Fund to support the next chapter of our educational expansion.

Launching the Roblox Community Fund to support the next chapter of our educational expansion.

Before we started Roblox, my co-founder Erik Cassel and I had a long history of developing educational software together at our former company, Knowledge Revolution. From our experience with Interactive Physics, we knew that students learn most effectively when given the opportunity to deepen their knowledge through hands-on experiences, problem solving, and collaboration with other people. This concept is based on a theory called “constructionism,” first defined by MIT scholar Seymour Papert, and we support it to this day.

Our vision with Roblox Education is to empower students and educators to explore learning online, both through the integration of Roblox Studio in STEM curricula and through immersive educational experiences on our platform. Instead of reading about ancient Rome, for example, students will be able to go there and explore the Colosseum together. Education remains an integral part of our DNA, which is why we continue to provide free software and curriculum to teach valuable STEM skills, such as coding and 3D design. To support our efforts in education, we are pleased to introduce the Roblox Community Fund (RCF).

The RCF is designed to help jumpstart the next chapter of our education expansion and support other innovative impact initiatives at Roblox. Through the initial $10 million fund, the RCF will provide grants to educational organizations that develop curriculum and educational experiences that leverage our platform in immersive and compelling ways.

Roblox’s Head of Education, Rebecca Kantar, will now also serve as the Director of the Roblox Community Fund. Given Rebecca’s passion for education, as well as her background as an entrepreneur, a non-profit leader, and an expert in game-based and simulation-based educational assessment, we believe Rebecca is the ideal leader to help bring meaningful, high-quality teaching and learning experiences to Roblox. You can hear more from Rebecca and learn about our initial RCF grantees here.

- David Baszucki, Founder and CEO